Yadawei Ceramic Studio’s installation demonstrates how ceramics can be used as a relevant communication instrument for modern social, political and emotional messages.

Pottery today is ornamental rather than functional, and used to communicate social, political or emotional messages. We may not be storing oils in Amphorae, but we do sit in lavish lobbies admiring them.
Surface treatment of ceramics incorporates modern trends by depicting specific or suggestive messages to the viewer. Classical forms of pottery can be updated with imagery using modern lifestyle themes, new painting styles, and the application of new glazes and textures.

About Yadawei Ceramic Studio

The members of the Yadawei Ceramics Studio consist of a diverse community of ceramic artists and clay enthusiasts who share a passion for creating unique ceramics pieces. They all have different styles and use different techniques to express their artistic point of view. The studio’s aim is to link the traditional form and process of ceramics to modern function and use.