Amid wars and natural disasters, people look for ways to protect themselves and find shelter. From this need emerged the idea of inventing a material that interacts with water and air to form inhabitable structures.

The Potential of Things workshop exhibited the concrete canvas and explored its potentials, which have gone beyond its original function and is now used in different fields.

Participants learnt how to assess disaster relief situations and design and create different uses of Concrete Canvas. By the end of the workshop, participants had the knowledge of fabric construction techniques and understand market needs and updates.

The workshop was conducted by Sultan Albadran and Robert B. Frith

Free entry.

About Ithra

King Abdulaziz Center for World Culture (Ithra), sees human potential as the greatest source of change and is focused on accelerating that potential through encouraging creativity, inspiring minds, and empowering talent.

Ithra is an all-purpose cultural destination which has created an environment for transformative experiences to unlock the power of potential through mastery in arts, science, literature and innovation. Facilities include Idea Lab, Library, Ithra Theater, Cinema, Museum, Children’s Museum, Energy Exhibit, Archives, The Great Hall and The Knowledge Tower, all which are housed to provide visitors an immersive and transformative experience.